API Reference¶
Python module for the SparkFun SerLCD QWIIC products:
[SparkFun 16x2 SerLCD - RGB Backlight (Qwiic)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16396) [SparkFun 16x2 SerLCD - RGB Text (Qwiic)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16397) [SparkFun 20x4 SerLCD - RGB Backlight (Qwiic)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16398)
This python package enables the user to control the SerLCDs via I2C. It is intended to be used by simply plugging in a qwiic cable for power and I2C communicaiton.
This package can be used in conjunction with the overall [SparkFun qwiic Python Package](https://github.com/sparkfun/Qwiic_Py)
New to qwiic? Take a look at the entire [SparkFun qwiic ecosystem](https://www.sparkfun.com/qwiic).
(address=None, i2c_driver=None)[source]¶ Parameters: - address – The I2C address to use for the device. If not provided, the default address is used.
- i2c_driver – An existing i2c driver object. If not provided a driver object is created.
Returns: The QwiicSerlcd device object.
Return type: Object
()[source]¶ Turn autoscrolling on. This will right-justify text from the cursor.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Initialize the operation of the SerLCD module
Returns: Returns true of the initializtion was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Turn the blink cursor on.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Sends the command to clear the screen
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(command)[source]¶ Send one setting command to the display. Used by other functions.
Parameters: command – Command to send (a single byte) Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
¶ Determine if a device is conntected to the system..
Returns: True if the device is connected, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(location, charmap)[source]¶ Create a customer character :param location: character number 0 to 7 :param charmap: byte array for character
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Turn the underline cursor on.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Disable splash screen at power on
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Disable system messages
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Turn the display on quickly.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Enable splash screen at power on
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Enable system messages
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Send the home command to the display. This returns the cursor to return to the beginning of the display, without clearing the display.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Determine if a device is conntected to the system..
Returns: True if the device is connected, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Set the text to flow from left to right.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(count=1)[source]¶ Move the cursor one or more characters to the left.
Parameters: count – Number of character spaces you’d like to move Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(count=1)[source]¶ Move the cursor one or more characters to the right.
Parameters: count – Number of character spaces you’d like to move Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Turn autoscrolling off.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Turn the blink cursor off.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Turn the underline cursor off.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Turn the display off quickly.
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(string)[source]¶ Print a string of characters to the LCD
Parameters: string – The string you would like to print. Aka ASCII characters. example: “Hello” Returns: Returns true if the I2C writes were successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Set the text to flow from right to left
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
()[source]¶ Save the current display as the splash Saves whatever is currently being displayed into EEPROM This will be displayed at next power on as the splash screen
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(count=1)[source]¶ Scroll the display one or multiple characters to the left, without changing the text.
Parameters: count – Number of character spaces you’d like to scroll Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(count=1)[source]¶ Scroll the display one or multiple characters to the right, without changing the text.
Parameters: count – Number of character spaces you’d like to scroll Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(new_addr)[source]¶ Change the I2C Address. 0x72 is the default. Note that this change is persistent. If anything goes wrong you may need to do a hardware reset to unbrick the display. :param new_addr: new i2c address
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(r, g, b)[source]¶ Set the brightness of each backlight (red, green, blue)
Parameters: - red – The new red brightness value (0-255)
- green – The new green brightness value (0-255)
- blue – The new blue brightness value (0-255)
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
Return type: bool
(contrast)[source]¶ Set the contrast of the LCD screen (0-255)
Parameters: contrast – The new contrast value (0-255) Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(col, row)[source]¶ Set the cursor position to a particular column and row.
Parameters: - col – The column postion (0-19)
- row – The row postion (0-3)
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
Return type: bool
(r, g, b)[source]¶ Set backlight with no LCD messages or delays :param r: red backlight value 0-255 :param g: green backlight value 0-255 :param b: blue backlight value 0-255
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False. Return type: bool
(command, count=1)[source]¶ Send one (or multiple) special commands to the display. Used by other functions.
Parameters: - command – Command to send (a single byte)
- count – Number of times to send the command (if ommited, then default is once)
Returns: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
Return type: bool